
IK Multimedia abre vagas no Brasil


A IK Multimedia é uma grande parceira da ProClass e uma das empresas mais inovadoras do mercado de áudio e música. São responsáveis pelo Amplitube, iRig entre outros produtos.

Poucos dias atrás, abriram vagas para o departamento de marketing e vendas no Brasil.

Interessou? Então clique no link abaixo para saber mais e enviar seu currículo.

Boa sorte!


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IK Multimedia
IK is hiring!

Thinking of a career move? Come work for one of the most innovative companies in the music production industry and combine your professional talents with your love of music. IK is currently looking for the right candidate for the following position: Brazil Marketing Assistant.We are looking for a hard-working, self-motivated individual who can help our team and resellers craft simple, compelling communication to our users; coordinate Portuguese language online and print marketing and partnerships; and assist in translating materials as needed.

Send your resume or view all our available job listings.




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